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Morton Rosenberg Bio

Morton Rosenberg, a graduate of New York University (BA, 1957) and the Harvard Law School (LLB, 1960), was a Specialist in American Public Law with the American Law Division of the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress for thirty-five years.  He currently serves as a Senior Fellow at Good Government Now and a Constitution Fellow at The Constitution Project.  He authored the “Inherent Contempt Procedure Rule for the U.S. House” Good Government Now is recommending to develop an effective capability for the House to enforce its subpoenas and contempt citations.

Mr. Rosenberg specialized in the areas of constitutional law, administrative law and process, congressional practice and procedure, and labor law, and in the problems raised by the interface of Congress and the Executive which involve the scope of the congressional oversight and investigative prerogatives, the validity of claims of executive and common law privileges before committees, and issues raised by the presidential exercise of temporary and recess appointment power.

He is the author of a number of journal articles on separation of powers and administrative law issues including “Whatever Happened to Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking?: A Review, Assessment, and Proposal for Reform,” 51 Adm. L. Rev. 1051 (1999); “Congress’s Prerogative Over Agencies and Agency Decisionmakers: The Rise and Demise of the Reagan Administration’s Theory of the Unitary Executive,” 57 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 627 (1989); “The Airports Authority Case: Separation of Powers Revisited,” CRS Review (September 1991) (with Johnny Killian); and “Beyond the Limits of Executive Power: Presidential Control of Agency Rulemaking Under Executive Order 12,291,” 80 Mich. L. Rev. 193 (1981). Mr. Rosenberg was named the recipient of the 2004-2005 Mary C. Lawton Award for Outstanding Public Service by the American Bar Association Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice in November 2005.